Velerie, the UTAR student
Velerie was referred to me by a business associate, Jon. She came in really early for a scaling and polish on Monday morning. When finished with the scaling I asked her if she had checked out the Blog. Velerie said she had and told me she was interested in having straighter teeth but was worried it was going to be painful (it’s such a common fear!!) and would take too long with braces.
I told her that I could do it in less than an hour, and it was truly painless!
A heartbeat later, she said we should just go for it! So we did.
As always, she had trouble smiling for the initial photographs. I had to take several shots before I had her smiling widely enough to show her teeth.
I explained that one of the teeth was rather tilted so the upper borders may not exactly match but no one really was going to notice …. except perhaps if she dated a dentist!
We chatted and just half an hour later … a few flicks of my magic wand …. and ta dah!!!Â
A very pretty young student now had a beautiful smile to flash! She is a beauty, don’t you agree?