Wati, the business woman from Kuantan


Wati before
Wati before

There are days when I get people who drive for miles because someone told them they could be beautiful in just a few minutes. I take these referrals very seriously because they had trusted their friend and I am mindful to honour that trust.


I am so touched when my patients bring in their closest friends for makeovers. Not only did Wati drive all the way from Kuantan, but her friend actually sat through the whole procedure too. Now that’s friendship!

Wati’s makeover is in two parts though. She probably will need to come back for the bottom half and then an overall tweak for the final touches… so looks like she is in for another long drive!


Part One completed
Part One completed

I will need to crown the darker tooth later too, as it has been root treated and is getting brittle. But for now, it was part one … 


She was so very pleased …… and so was her friend!

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