Visitors from afar: Linda and Gamal Gezawi
I didn’t really expect to get so many visitors/ patients from this blog … I first thought of doing  a blog versus a website as it could be a way my patients could stay in touch, get information and learn what’s new. I thought the concept of a blog, given it was so dynamic, was just awesome!
I could keep updating it myself and even celebrate with anyone who wanted to read/look, the wonderful new smiles we created in the clinics. We could celebrate and share the difference a new smile made to person’s life.
And I could answer any queries at all and everyone could get the answer … my take is, most questions posted on the comments tags were probably on your mind too!
I am only too present to how going to a dentist is one of the scariest things a person has to do. It’s probably fit for as a Fear Factor Challenge. (Ha!Ha! Remember that mesmerising series?)
I often say that 99.999% of the human race who have teeth are afraid of the dentist and 80% of those who no longer have teeth, are still afraid to see a dentist :0
Well, one of my intentions to have the blog was to let people see that it needn’t be scary and painful. And there is so much that could be done to make anyone feel beautiful and good. Hence the many, many, many before/after photos that my patients so generously allow me to post (and yes the photos are not doctored nor photoshopped)
The photos are the Real Deal.
Today I had a lovely couple, Mr Gamal and Linda Gezawi, who reside in Vienna, come into the clinic for a clean-up and some routine work. Linda had googled ‘dentist Malaysia’ or something and stumbled on this blog. She posted a query and I answered. She then made the appointment and flew in with her husband for a surprise visit to see her mum and threw in the dental visit too.
(We made a boo boo though as she had told my receptionist not to call as she had confirmed coming, but Idayu forgot, and made the customary courtesy reminder call yesterday and almost let the cat out of the bag! Linda had given her mother’s number, you see, and her mum didn’t know she was coming back to KL, let alone had a dental appointment! My apologies …. Linda!)

So here is a photo of the amazing couple, who because of the many smiles posted on this blog, and the generous comments, came in for dental treatment from Vienna, Austria, whilst on a surprise trip to visit Linda’s mother.
Thank you everyone for your generosity.
Hi Linda and Gamal,
It was great to meet you both after ‘speaking’ over the net.
I still wonder at how the world communicates these days and how connected we all are.
Yes, please drop by again when you are in Malaysia. By that time the clinic in central Kuala Lumpur would have undergone a major expansion and my new Italian dental chair would be in operation!!
See you soon!
Dr Fauziah
Dear Dr. Fauziah,
You are such a darling, we were really happy with the treatment and the way you received us at your clinic. From the first moment we met you, we felt that we had known you for a long time. With your lovely and funny stories, you make us feel like family. Thank you so much and we hope to see soon insyallah on our next visit to Kuala Lumpur. Take care.
from us,
Linda and Gamal ElGezawi
Vienna, Austria