Antionette’s New Smile
Antionette, Anne as she preferred to called, came in for her makeover today. She works with Rozalin and had waited to get Rozalin’s feedback before she braved seeing a dentist again.
She told me that she had spent quite a bit on doing some crowns awhile back and was disappointed with the results, so we started with me asking her what she didn’t like about her smile.
Once I knew what she didn’t like I could see how I could go about giving her a smile she wanted. I guess many people are not used to someone asking them what they don’t want and what they want, as I often have to spend some time talking to them so I can really get their world.
Anne was no different especially since her previous experience. I told her about all the options she could choose and we settled on something that would give her an immediate boost.
I chatted whilst we worked. Or rather I chatted as she sat ever so still and quiet!
Before long it was finished! I had changed the colour of her earlier veneers and repaired and reshaped them so she’d have an even look and could smile wide again!

Yes, she was satisfied and loved the new look. You can see it in the way she smiles easily again! It was so tough getting the initial photos compared to the ‘After’ photos!!
I do so love my job!!
Thank you Anne for not giving up!