Steven’s Makeover.
Steven had written to me on the blog before I left for Manado and sent me a photo of himself by email. We set up the appointment for Friday to either do the makeover, if I had the time, or just discuss his options.
When I saw the photos on Monday I emailed him back saying that it was easy peasy and I’d probably be able to do him pretty quick and he wouldn’t need to do a whitening either (that’ll save him atleast RM800!!)
So today … Steven came in as my last patient, all ready to have his makeover for the weekend!
Steven felt his case was difficult … ah but I assured him it was not …. and it was going to be absolutely painless too!
His wife had also booked in for a makeover next week so I guess he was going to be my test! A test to see if I really deliver the goods, ie a beautiful smile in one hour or so AND a painless makeover … before his wife has her turn.

We took the initial photos after I promised it would only be his smile and not a frontal!
I explained that he probably needed only 4 composite veneers and it would brighten up his smile especially after I do the clean up first. I was going to give him a smile that looked absolutely natural.
We chatted about the dive trip and our respective jobs whilst I did my stuff and waved my magic wand! Steven said he had waited more than 20 years for the magic!
A little more than an hour later ( I really took my time) it was done!

The verdict …. a beautiful smile that was totally painless, fast and one very happy patient. Steven had a smile he could show off during the weekend!
And next week is his wife’s turn!

Hi Steven,
You are so, so welcome!! I am thrilled you love the makeover.
Have a look at Sally’s makeover (today 1 August) she thought hers was difficult too! 🙂
But I have my magic wand remember … as the popular ad says,
Impossible is nothing!
I am looking forward to meeting your wife next week to give her her makeover!
Dr Fauziah
Hi Dr Fauziah,
Thank you for your magic wand, it brings new life, new confidence, new smiles, new cheers and joys 🙂
A very big thank you again.