Back at last!
It’s been a busy time and I have not made any post for ages!
I woke up with a jump today and felt awful. I haven’t been posting on my blog and I have so many makeovers and photos of the holidays to put up!
Funnily enough, besides the busy days with all the open houses and emergencies with my patients as we have been away for so long … what has been taking up my time is Farm Ville on Facebook!!
I have been playing it so much and now must sit back, put up my bag of seeds and hoe, and get back to my blog.
If you have been waiting for replies I do apologise for the delay. I have answered each comment and query (though much faster by email, I admit!) if  I am not mistaken.
If I haven’t please send another comment or email me at
I promise I will keep the posts coming and apologise again for the long dry spell.
Dr Fauziah