Hafizah closes the gaps
Hafizah is about to get married in a few months. Today she came in with her fiance to close the gaps in her front teeth as she wanted her wedding photos to capture her smiling!

Hafizah had emailed me earlier asking about closing the gaps as she didn’t want to go through the necessary 2 years to close them by doing braces. She asked if the bump of gum between her two front teeth  was going to need surgery to correct. I told her that her best course of action was to come in and see me first as I really couldn’t tell through just her explaination!!
So in came Hafizah today for a consultation and the makeover.
Her makeover was really quite easy … she didn’t need surgery and everything could be done in an hour (though I took longer as we were talking quite a bit and discussing Farm Ville on Facebook!)

I did her upper teeth first under the watchful eye of her husband-to be. She was so cool and relaxed though she admitted she was a little scared until I showed her the upper teeth makeover … after that she was just excited to see what the end result would be!!
I soon finished and with flourish I passed her the mirror and asked permission to take a photo of the both of them.
Was she pleased? ….. oh yes!

This bride to be will definitely be smiling wide for her photos for one of the most important days of a person’s life …. their wedding!
I love my job!!!