Norjulia Smiles with Confidence
Norjulia waited patiently with her cousin in the waiting room. She came just a little early whilst I was treating these two kids of a friend. Her cousin was more nervous than she was so when I invited her in to watch the makeover she said she’d stay in the waiting room!!

Norjulia told me she had stumbled on the blog about a month ago when she was surfing the Net. I asked what she typed in, as I am always curious as how people find the blog … I do so want more people to know this treatment exists and hear about other peoples stories so they gain confidence! She said she typed ‘Closing gaps’!
She asked me whether I could help her and I got so excited as it really was a simple case … Julia had seen other dentists and they had all told her to have braces done.
I told her that I’d do just her top teeth first as that would give her the immediate smile she wanted …. a smile with no gaps!! And I’d make her other teeth look even too, so she’d have a completely beautiful smile.

As I worked, we chatted and got to know each other. It turned out that one of the reasons why Julia hadn’t come in sooner … besides finding Courage … was because she was studying in a university in Penang.
In about an hour, (I took my time) Julia was ready for the mirror … we called in her cousin to witness the unveiling of Norjulia’s beautiful new smile!
She was thrilled!!
My magic wand did it again!
Another beautiful smile for a lovely girl … now I hope I get to do the same for shy and nervous cousin soon.

My apologies, Julia … I did say I’d post this Friday night. It’s Sunday already!!
Hi Julia and Norbaiti,
I am soooo glad you love the new look!
It always thrills me to be able to change smiles and have people be happy.
Thank you for your comments … I am always present to the fact that people think it’s just not possible so I have doctored/ photoshop-ed the photos.
It goes a long way towards others going for it and coming in to change their smiles too.
So keep smiling Julia!
Dr Fauziah
Yes. i do smile with confidence!
i even mms the my pic to a friend right after i walked out from the clinic as i was so thrilled!
thanks to u, Dr Fauziah. i’m so glad i did it at last and wish i’d come sooner.
and thank u being such a lovely and friendly dentist ive ever see. if only i see u first before i see other dentist since i was a kid, i wouldn’t be scared to see a dentist 😀
Hi Dr Fauziah, I’m a friend of Julia’s. I saw her yesterday and she certainly smiled confidently for the camwhoring session! Very good work you did. I’m very much interested with what you can do for me as well. Perhaps one of these days I’ll walk into your office for consultation 🙂