A Surprise from Zuraini

During the lunch break today, my nurses called me to the Reception saying there was someone who wanted to meet me and say ‘Hi!’. What a pleasant surprise it was! It was Zuraini and her husband who came in to personally send us a Thank You gift.

Zuraini had brought in a lovely ‘Advanced’ Birthday cake, a yummy cheese cake as she knew it was my birthday next week. She also brought in ‘pulut kuning’ and beef curry for all of us as a gesture of thanks for the makeover.

My Advanced Bday Cake!
My Advanced Bday Cake!

I was speechless and could only thank her in return and give her a hug!

Zuraini, you really made my day!

Thank you for the cake and especially for the ‘pulut kuning’ … I know it is a traditional/cultural way we give thanks …

We cut the cake and took home the pulut kuning to share with our families.

I am so blessed!

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Zuraini Abdullah
Zuraini Abdullah
14 years ago

Hi Dr Fauziah, Yeahh.I’m very happy U like it..That’s a small gift as I already ‘niat’ if I can get my smile again, I want to give U all a “pulut kuning” .. I cannot thank you enough. You have given me the confidence to smile again.You have changed my life. You are all wonderful, professional and skilled Doctor. Gorgeous surgery!I would just like to say how good I found the whole process. Painless and from the friendliness and professionalism of your staff to the facility itself and the overall price. It’s a good experience. I will definitely be recommending… Read more »