A Makeover for Yasmin

Yasmin was listening to my business coach Jeevan’s weekly coaching show on BFM when he mentioned Klinik Pergigian Fauziah and the blog. Curious, she went into this blog and saw the makeovers done. She made an appointment with Idayu and came in for her own makeover!
When I met her, she told me she had braces done when she was in school but it wasn’t very successful. She was concerned about the tilt in her teeth and the staining which she said she couldn’t seem to get rid of despite her frequent brushing.
I explained to her that the stains were partly because of old, stained fillings and partly because her front teeth were angled a bit. I said it was really easy-peasy and I could easily correct it in minutes…. she looked disbelieving but said to go ahead!
Yasmin wanted me to do just her upper teeth first as (I suspect) she wasn’t convinced yet that I could make her lower teeth which were rather crowded, look different, besides, her lower teeth weren’t so visible when she smiled.
The magic wand did it’s stuff whilst we chatted about Jeevan and how I had impacted the clinic through his coaching. I told her Jeevan and I had been in a coaching environment since 2006 and how I had been awarded the ActionCOACH Synergy Award for 2009 early this year.

In less than an hour I was done and put down my wand …. Yasmin was ready for the magic mirror now!
With flourish, we handed the mirror to Yasmin … she took her first peak and broke into a huge smile!
I laughed and told her about the ‘problem’ she was going to have for the next few days … she was going to find herself looking into every available mirror to admire her new smile! 😉 I warned her to resist looking at herself when she drove back to work … keep your eye on the road!!
Yasmin and I said our goodbyes whilst I reminded her to check out the Face Book Page Dentist Malaysia … and she’s coming in next week to do her lower teeth after all! 😉
I have the best job in the world!
I get to make people happy and create for them beautiful smile every day!