Fikri’s holiday smile

Fikri could do with a makeover

It’s the school holidays! Fikri, his two brothers, sister, mother and father booked in as an entire family to do their checks and polish. Little Farhan, the twelve year old, came in first followed by his brothers and sister. It was great seeing them again as their mum had booked in appointments but had to cancel earlier as it was hard to get everyone in at one go!

I had promised Fikri a new smile the last time I saw him … this time he was all ready and gave me the thumbs up with a big grin! In fact I almost forgot that I had promised him his makeover … so this time I had to make the time to ‘make him handsome’.

As I worked, Fikri told me the chip on his tooth happened when Farhan threw a toy robot at him! He must have caught it with his teeth!! 😉

He needed me to close the gap and correct the tilted tooth. I also made the tooth that was tucked behind come forward so everything looked nice and straight … I did promise to make him handsome!!

It wasn’t very hard so in less than an hour Fikri was ready for the magic mirror. He laughed when he saw his reflection! Wow what a difference … and it wasn’t painful at all.

Gap? What gap? Fikri has his handsome smile in less than an hour!

I printed out the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos for him to take home as, true enough, he had immediately forgotten how he used to look like.

This is a new ‘plus’ we have in the clinic … as a gift, we now immediately print a set of photos for the patients  to bring home with them.

You see even his mum couldn’t remember how he looked like before the makeover … that’s a true test to see if the makeovers look natural, don’t you agree … it must look so natural to you that even your mother can’t tell what was done!

And yes! Fikri’s mum couldn’t tell what he used to look like until she saw the ‘before’ photo!! 😉

Fikri and his mum smiling happily

I love my job!

I get to give people new, beautiful … I mean handsome (!) smiles every day!!

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