Emma gets her smile
Emma had booked in an appointment today to see if I could do something about a badly discoloured front tooth. Now I must say, almost always (a good 99%) of patients who come in for a consultation will do their makeover on the spot …. really! That’s why Idayu and Amy will give you a hour and a half appointment!
So in came Emma with her sister. Emma and her sister are from Tawau, Sabah. She said she had googled and gone to the forums asking about/for dentists in KL and soon found this clinic being mentioned in forums. (Thank you everyone/anyone who had posted your comments!!)
She said she felt confident after reading the comments and that it would be a good place to come and get treatment! I always ask my patients to comment on our work … I believe the information age is when patients can get to comment about your work and the would-be patients get to hear real bona fide comments too! Wow!!
Emma warned me that she had a lock-jaw problem so that started me teaching her sister how to “unlock” her jaw if ever it happens again! Yes, we had fun talking about everything …from physiotherapy to Tawau.
And soon it was done … and it was Emma’s turn to look in the mirror. She turned it around and … loved it!
She’s a lovely girl Emma is. Now she will smile with confidence as she treats her patients …. did I mention Emma is in her 3rd year of Physiotherapy?
Way to go Emma … and thank you for reading about us in the forums and trusting the comments there!
I love my job!