Lyan drops in for her makeover
Lyan found us on Facebook! She is the first person to tell me she had searched the social media platform, found our Facebook page ‘Dentist Malaysia‘, followed the link to this blog and emailed me her photos. I usually get patients the other way around, from the blog they find the Facebook Page!
I replied her email and suggested she make an appointment and so, today, a day before she returned to Sarawak for a holiday, she dropped in for her makeover.
Lyan had chipped her teeth at a very young age and wanted me to see if I could improve her smile. I quickly realised that I could also, at the same time make her teeth look less protruded! What a golden opportunity to create a beautiful smile for Lyan!!
As luck would have it, I also had 6 students from the International Medical University (IMU) doing their attachment assignment in the clinic today.
Students from IMU are sent to this clinic to learn real-life dental clinic management, dental procedures and patient-doctor relationship (amongst other things). It is one of the modules in which they learn about their future careers.
With Lyan’s permission the six students watched while I created her makeover and learned about how to really listen to what the patient wants, develope a treatment plan and make the whole process fun! …. yes, they saw dental treatment can be fun!!!
When Lyan’s makeover was ready for her to see for the first time, it wasn’t just me that looked at her with anticipation … all of us, the dentist, the assistants and the dentists-to be, were delighted when she smiled her happiness. What a wonderful moment indeed!
We printed her ‘Before’ and ‘After’ Makeover Album and I emailed her the photos immediately too, as Lyan is also a blogger and wanted to post the photos on her blog.
I was thrilled when she said she had read every post on this blog! I reminded her that we have a 100% guarantee on the makeover, that she could eat anything except stones, bones, wood and metal (she laughed at this) and if there was any problems she had a whole month to try and break the makeover, as I’ll do any repairs for free during that time.
Lyan told me she loved eating sugarcane, which is a favourite in Sarikei, Sarawak where she came from. The students and I all agreed that sugarcane probably fell under the category of ‘wood’ so I told her to please don’t test the new teeth on sugarcane!
Lyan laughed and admitted she probably chipped her teeth eating sugarcane in the first place!
Thank you, Lyan, for your generosity in letting the students experience the makeover process first hand. It’s something we all will remember for a very long time!
And please …. no sugarcane eating, OK!! 😉
Hi dr. Fauziah,
How much does it cost for a tooth makeover ?
I’ve been looking for this. Hope u can help me out. Thanks.
Hi Tnya, Braces or orthodontic treatment cost RM6000 over 2 years which means it is an easy payment scheme in itself. The orthodontist usually examines you to see what you need and then makes his recommendations. Then at a later appointment , he places the brackets (the stuff that’s stuck onto your teeth) that’s when a fee of RM1500 will be due. Every 4 to 6 weeks, you will then come back for treatment to re-adjust the movement. At each visit you reduce the fee by RM200. This means the whole RM6000 is paid with an initial RM1500 when you… Read more »
Hi Dr. Fauziah,
May i know how much the the total cost for orthodontics braces?
and how long will I wear it?
another thing, if I only want for upper teeth, how much would it be?