Sally finally gets to have her makeover

Sally was the first to email me. She wrote asking about composite veneers and after I replied her, she made an appointment for an examination and a quote. I did a mock-up for her but as we were running out of time, we rescheduled her makeover for another appointment.
Her friend and colleague Emma beat her to the ‘makeover finish line’. 🙂 Emma, her friend and colleague from work, came in later for her appointment but got her makeover done in that same visit (See Emma’s New Smile. Oct 5)…. so when Sally finally came in yesterday, she was excited to finally get her makeover done!
She needed just a little work on her top teeth and wanted her lower teeth evened out. That was pretty simple to do so we started whilst Sally and I chatted.
She said she had checked out composite veneering in the UK (she’s an extremely attractive English lass) and was told it was going to cost her £300 per composite veneer!!! Wow! I should relocate to the UK! I only charge RM250 …. that’s about 1/6th the price!!
We laughed about the crazy cost of living in the UK and how cheaply one could live and get dental/medical treatment (!!) in KL … the materials and skills are just the same and yet it is so much more affordable here. There’s no wonder that I get so many people from all over the world doing makeovers!
I asked Sally what she did in KL and she very modestly said that she ‘just helped’ her fiance in his financial services company … we laughed as I said the Malay term would be ‘sibuk-sibuk‘, as in she

‘pretended to look busy’ in the office. 😉
In less than an hour she was ready for the magic mirror …
Doesn’t her smile look beautiful?!!
Yes … I get to create beautiful smiles everyday … and today it was for Sally!