Juhanna stumbles on the blog

Juhanna is my cousin, Redza and his wife Kolin’s school friend. One day as Juhanna was catching up with her friends on Facebook, Juhanna saw a post put up by Redza and as she scrolled through it, by accident hit on the Facebook Page Dentist Malaysia.
Juhanna was so taken by the Before and After photos on the Page she followed the link to this blog!! She immediately called up for an appointment! Yay!!
Juhanna works in Subang Jaya for a trading company. We chatted a little about the wonders of the internet and about Life in general as I got to know her and drew out my treatment plan.
Taking her initial Before photos wasn’t very difficult. She readily smile for my camera, though Juhanna didn’t even realise she only half-smiled every time!
I got to work and we chatted about our kids and the challenges to raise teen-aged boys. Mid way, I offered to show Juhanna how her new smile was progressing but Juhanna shook her head … no, she wanted to see the makeover only when I was done.

They say “time flies when you are having fun” and sure enough it seemed like it took hardly any time when Juhanna was ready for the magic mirror.
I passed her the mirror as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes …
She opened them and gasped, “Wow! I like it! Thank you!!!”
She does look nice doesn’t she!
As I printed the Before and After photos for her to take home for her Makeover Album, I pointed out that she couldn’t smile properly in all the ‘Before’ photos. Her ‘After’ photos had her smiling wide and happily … what a difference indeed!
As we hugged our goodbyes, Juhanna said, “I’m sooo glad I stumbled onto your blog …. I am so happy with my new smile!”
Thank you Juhanna, and thank you Redza!
🙂 Hi Doctor.. you are absolutely right!! I simply cannot stop looking at the mirror, and smile! hahaha.. I know I know.. sounds jakun kan? But then I reallllyyyy LOVE the way I smile now. Never thought that I could have this kind of smile. 🙂 Thank you so much!!!