Noraini brings in her kids and has a makeover

Noraini has been to the clinic before. She needed a good and thorough clean up first before her makeover! She came in yesterday with Wali and Atiqah in tow as it was the school holidays.
Atiqah went first … she was a little nervous as she had a sore tooth. I told her I was only going to give her some medicine (she had a swollen gum spot) and clean things up a bit, and she began to relax.
I always try to make the first visit as easy as I can … too many children start off their dental experience with a nasty visit, which sets in a fear of dentists! As she needed a lot of other treatment too, we worked out a detailed plan with Noraini so everything would be sorted out in stages.
Next was confident Wali! He’s a seven-year old super active little boy! All he needed was a clean up and a ride up and down the dental chair (like an astronaut) and he was done …. they got their ‘balloons’ and stickers … Spiderman for Wali and Spongebob for Atiqah…. and now it was Noraini’s turn!

Noraini was now ready for her makeover!! She had gaps in her front teeth as a result of her previous gum condition … but that was all in the past now.
The kids were playing with their balloons and poring over the stickers whilst I did a quick clean up for Noraini before we revved up the magic wand.
Wali took an interest and asked me what the blue light was for … I told him it was a special light that made the filling hard enough for her mum to eat with! 😉
It took less than an hour and Noraini was ready for the mirror!

Wow!! She did look different!
The kids and mum went off after hugs and goodbyes til the next visit … we’ll be seeing Atiqah next week …
I am sure Wali will insist on coming too!
I love my job.
I get to create beautiful smiles every day!