Nisha gets her New Year smile

Nisha asked us if we could do something to make her smile look nicer. I was just about to start yet another makeover just then. I laughed and said, “Why of course! But, if you don’t mind, could you wait a bit?” She said yes, trusting that I could indeed make a difference, and so she and her mother waited.
Nisha was the last patient for the day. The poor dear (and her mum) hadn’t had lunch but well … if it was only an hour, I guess she felt going hungry for an hour wasn’t too bad.

We had already done three other makeover patients and it was close to 5pm…. my wonderful staff were going to stay back to give her that smile even though we were rather tired … it will be an awesome start for the New Year for her, won’t it?!
Nisha works in the statistics department of a government agency. She’s a truly lovely young miss with huge gazelle eyes which are mesmerising! What a beautiful young lady! I was so excited to make an already lovely lady have a beautiful winning smile … it is actually so, so easy, too!

I worked super fast whilst chatting with her about all sorts of stuff. Every now and again I checked in that she was comfortable and pain free!
Very soon, Nisha was ready for the magic mirror!
We passed it to her and waited to watch her reaction as her mum walked in …
She broke into a huge smile and turned to her mother who said, “Your tooth is not tilted anymore!!”
Nisha told us how she had been told that she needed to have braces on, that she had been told she had to extract some teeth first, that there wasn’t any other way to get that smile she so wanted!

And today, just two days before 2011, Nisha gets her smile without extractions, without braces and without waiting two years! It just took about 45 minutes!!
Her mum said she wanted Nisha’s brother to come in for a makeover consultation too!
I printed out her photos for the makeover album and reminded Nisha that she could go ahead and eat her normal food immediately.
Just before she left I asked if I could take a photo of Nisha and her patient (and hungry) mother!

Nisha is beautiful, don’t you agree? Now Nisha can smile confidently and as wide as she wants too!
Happy New Year Nisha! May 2011 be filled with moments of smiles and laughter!! 😉