Azura’s new smile

Azura came in yesterday asking if I could do something about the stain in her front tooth!
I asked her if she also wanted me to close the gaps and make her front teeth look more even… I sort of guessed that was what she really wanted. 🙂
Like many patients, Azura didn’t want to ask outright if I could do it … perhaps it’s because many don’t believe it is possible, even after reading this blog and seeing the many, many posts and reading all the comments!
It does seem impossible  … “But yes”, I told her, “it is quite easy really … and I only need about 45 minutes!”

Azura was so nervous and excited at the same time that her hands were freezing!
As I worked I chatted with her … Azura needed only 4 Composite Veneers for her new smile … she really didn’t need to do much on her lower teeth for a brand new dazzling smile!
I took my time, checking in with Azura that it was indeed painless, every few minutes … both Ayu, who was assisting me , and I could see her gradually relax.
At last … the most exciting part … Ayu passed her the mirror as we stepped back.
Azura took her first glimpse at her new smile and laughed!
She loved it!
As I printed the photos for her makeover album to take home, I told her that she needn’t worry about the new smile … she could eat all her normal meals.
We said our goodbyes and I reminded her to come in again for the usual check-ups and clean-ups.
Enjoy your new smile, Azura … you look great!