Sam has a new smile!

Sam wanted to do something about his canine tooth that was pushing up the corner of his smile. He came in with Beinda, the actress and singer two weeks ago, to discuss his options.
We talked about getting it done via braces but this young manager with Mydin Superstores didn’t want to have to wait two years for his smile … the other option is to remove it and get a bridge done immediately.
I told him that doing braces would mean removing 5 teeth (including a milk tooth) and placing the brackets on for the two years. The other way would mean removing the milk tooth and the protruding canine (that means 2 teeth) and I replace it with the bridge … the advantage would be that he walks out of the clinic with a temporary bridge which gives him the smile he wants immediately … and for half the cost!
I told him to think about it and today he came in all ready for the second option … we were going to do the bridge!

He came in with his friends, Erry and Fariz, who were there to give him moral support.
We had already taken the initial models so I could immediately set to work.
In less than an hour … yes! It’s a record for me! … I had prepared his bridge, taken out his two teeth, made his temporary bridge and cemented it!
Sam was all ready to go home in less than an hour … and he was all smiles too!
Now all there is to do is wait for about two weeks before he comes in again to take the working models for me to create the actual bridge.
Meanwhile Sam gets to go to work already looking good … he needn’t wait for the area to close up, looking weird with a missing tooth!

Did it hurt?
Of course not! Sam’s beautiful smile says it all!! 😉