Laila’s Dream Smile

Laila is a web designer. She’s a petite young lady that at first glance looks like a pretty doll. She said she was surfing the internet when she found this blog.
What a stroke of luck it was because Laila had almost the same smile as Farra, my nurse, had … remember, Farra had her makeover done just before her engagement last month … so Farra could give Laila first-hand information about her makeover!
It was so hard getting Laila’s “Before” photos. The pretty young miss was obviously not used to smiling for the camera … even though I was just using my iPhone, I had to take several shots before I could get a clear picture!
The front tooth had shifted into the space where the other tooth was supposed to be … hmmm, this meant we also needed to make the two front teeth look the same size even though there wasn’t enough space!

We opted to do a bridge for Laila as that would be the simplest and most cost effective and fastest way. So Laila went home with her temporary bridge for a week.
It took an extra week because I wasn’t satisfied with the initial colour and shape when the technician sent the first bridge back … I told Laila that the makeover could be perfect … we just had to be patient a little … she agreed.
Today we completed her bridge! This time, when I passed Laila the mirror everything was perfect!
She loved it!
And fussy me … fussy Dr Fauziah was satisfied too! 😉
The best part was taking Laila’s “After” photos … she was smiling wide naturally!
You are beautiful Laila!