Shahrul finds courage

Shahrul's broken tooth

Just as we were about to finish the last patient of the day, Shahrul walked in. He had broken a front tooth and asked if we could attend to him.

Shahrul avoids dentists! He said, “I’m not scared of dentists … don’t get me wrong … I just don’t like going to see the dentist!”

I laughed and chided him, ” You were supposed to come back in for your fillings ages ago!”

He laughed. “Yes I know … I won’t see anybody else but you” Seems to me, Shahrul is more afraid of dental treatment than he lets on! 😉

Shahrul half an hour later

Since our visiting specialist, Dr Aws, was in the clinic, I asked Dr Aws to have a look at Shahrul first.

After the xrays were done, Dr Aws said that miraculously, Shahrul’s tooth did not need root canal treatment! The tooth, though very, very badly broken down was alive!

What luck!

A few minutes later, I completed Shahrul’s new filling. We needed to only place a tiny titanium pin to make it stronger!

Shahrul looked in the mirror and said, “Wow! If only I had met you years ago. My teeth wouldn’t be in this condition!”

“No problemo, Shahrul … just make sure you come back for the rest of the fillings, OK! No more waiting until the tooth breaks off!”

Shahrul laughed, “My wife is not going to believe this! It took half an hour and no injections too!”

Yes … dental treatment is much easier than most people think.

Just ask Shahrul!

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