Hanif smiles for the Hari Raya holidays

Hanif came in to complete Stage 2 of his remarkable journey towards a great smile yesterday.
It was a different Hanif that walked in. He had a huge smile but was still just a tad nervous …
I asked him if any of his friends and co-workers noticed his transformation. He responded with a shy smile.
“Yes, they noticed the gap was gone.” he laughed.
I reassured him that he’d really love the next stage. We were almost done and just in time for the Aidil Fitri celebrations, too.

This is a time of visiting family and friends, meeting people (mainly cousins from our very large families) that we sometime only see when this time rolls by every year!
Of course it would be important to look and feel good!
Hanif was about to get the last-but-for-one part of the transformation …
In a few minutes he was grinning and nodding his head … “It feels so comfortable!”
Yes, Hanif looks amazing, don’t you agree?
I just love my job!
I get to create beautiful smile every day!
Check out Hanif’s Journey here.
Dr. Fauziah, we (both husband and wife) will be seeing you after Hari Raya season. I believe it’s wise to arrange for an appointment first, right?