Jamaliah’s makeover

Jamaliah works for the IRD.
She came in for her routine six-monthly dental clean up and check up.
Jamaliah has excellent teeth but the fronts were chipped and worn down … I asked her if she’d like me to tweak them a little.
“Will it hurt? I used to go to this other dentist before and their scaling hurt so much … your scaling doesn’t hurt but what about doing the fillings?”, she asked nervously.
I laughed and explained that composite veneers needed very little preparation on her teeth.
They didn’t hurt at all, I promised.

I took the “Before” photos with difficulty … Jamaliah was not used to smiling wide for photos!
It took me less that 30 minutes to do the three Composite Veneers. She just needed two for her front uppers and one below.
But what a difference the three veneers made!
When Jamaliah looked at her new smile, she broke into a big smile! 😉
“I look so different!”, she laughed.
Yes she does, doesn’t she … we printed out her Makeover Album whilst she checked out her new smile.
It’s so easy, so fast and so rewarding to create a Makeover!
I have the best job in the world … it’s such a thrill to see faces light up when they see their new smile.
I love my job. 😉