Faiq gets his smile before his sister’s wedding

Faiq before

Faiq was surfing the web for an orthodontist when he stumbled on this blog. He saw the post Lim’s Turn For His Makeover and emailed me two weeks ago, asking if I had done the makeover via braces.

I replied saying that it was through composite veneers and that he had it done in the same 45-minute appointment … the makeover had cost him less than RM2K.

Faiq immediately made the appointment!

He came in today. When we talked about the possible treatment plans, I explained that we could do the makeover with composite veneers but in his case, because of the distance one tooth was tucked behind the others, veneers wouldn’t look very nice …

A side view before we waved the magic wand

His smile will definitely look much nicer than before, but won’t be as good as it would if we did a mixture of composite veneers and a bridge.

Faiq was just a little hesitant when I said I’d have to remove the tooth that was hidden …. but when he asked if he’d leave the clinic with all his teeth looking super straight, I said, “For sure! I’ll do a beautiful temporary bridge and the composite veneers too. You’ll leave with a really nice smile!”

Faiq with the temporary bridge

So Faiq said he wanted the bridge/composite veneer option!

The Team went into high gear … we had another makeover to do after Faiq and then there were also another 3 patients scheduled for normal fillings too … including a retired ex-ambassador for Malaysia!

We did all the preliminary procedures and began … Faiq was quietly still apprehensive that I was going to remove a tooth but was the model patient as I worked.

When I was ready to do the temporary bridge, I ever so casually removed the tooth … Faiq wasn’t even aware that I had done the part he was scared of most!

He actually burst out laughing after he realised I had already taken out his tooth!!! πŸ˜‰

Faiq's new side view

We continued and soon he was ready for the magic mirror … he was going to see the ‘almost finished’ makeover … that is the new smile but with a temporary bridge first … this was the moment everyone anticipates and dreads at the same time …

He looked into the mirror and laughed again! “I look so different! My teeth are all straight! Wow!!” he said laughing.

Even the lower tooth had been straightened with a composite veneer!

I reminded him that it was only a temporary bridge … that the actual bridge, when ready, would look even nicer.

He was already happy with the temporary bridge! Now he’s going to have a really nice smile to welcome all the guests to his sister’s wedding next week.

We said our goodbyes and set the next appointment after printing the Makeover Albums for him to take home.

As he left, Faiq bumped into a friend who was in the waiting room  … one of the patients I was going to see next was a friend of his!

What a small world this is.

Enjoy your smile Faiq … and have a great time at your sister’s wedding next week! πŸ˜‰

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13 years ago

tq so much Dr fauziah. i never expect that i can have a great smile like this. so now, im being so obsess with mirror, to see the new me. tq so much doc 4 giving me a cheerful smile. πŸ™‚