FR drives up from Johor Bahru

FR before our magic

FR was surfing the web and found this blog. He immediately emailed us saying he had crooked teeth and wanted a makeover/whiter smile but didn’t want to ages for results.

We set up a consultation time … putting aside an hour as he said he may want to do it in the same visit if his budget permits.

He came in yesterday saying he just drove in from JB!

FR asked me what I could do for him …

I took a deep breath and said I could look at the treatment from 2 angles:

  • 1. From the angle of a specialised doctor where I’d tell him his ideal treatment plan which would involve a lot of fancy procedures and impress/confuse him with a lot of important, clever words. Most jargon “gobblygook” he won’t understand (and may be too shy to ask) but because it sounds so clever, he’d be impressed.


  • 2. I’d tell him what I can do based on what I think he wants … straight looking teeth and a nice smile! 😉
There's a tooth hidden and chipped front teeth

I told him I was going to talk to him from the second angle … from what works for him!

With that set, FR and I discussed the treatment plan … I suggested we sort out the front teeth first and work on the other side later … and I said it would take just 4 composite veneers but we need to remove the canine …. and I promised no pain!

FR laughed and said, “Yes! Let’s do it!” when I told him the cost.

We worked whilst chatting about work and it turned out that Faizal had consulted other dentists and to my surprise told me that the reason why he drove up from JB was because he had the exact experience I described when we first discussed the treatment plan!

A transformed smile!

All the dentists he consulted told him that the ONLY way was to have braces done and it would take several years … none had offered an alternative which would sort out his concern immediately.

Worse still, he had the experience that the treatment plan they offered was non-negotiable, take-it-or-leave-it, I-know-best sort of conversations.

Wow! I always felt that doctors/dentists would make their patients feel so much better heard, if they actually discuss things with patients … and really, really listen.

Before long FR was ready for the mirror ……

What a different smile

He broke into a huge smile and said, “Wow! I can hardly believe this!”

He was so happy that he decided to do the other side too … after all he drove all the way from Johor Bahru .. that’s 500 km!

The Team went back into action and prepared to do the immediate bridge.

This procedure took a little longer … we didn’t think we were going to do both sides or we would have done the preparations simultaneously … no problemo! The Team were happy to do it for FR.

And once the temporary bridge was cemented, FR was even happier! Now his smile was totally transformed! …. We did it!!


We printed out all the photos for his makeover albums to take back with him.

As he left, I reminded FR to resist looking into the rear vision mirror all the time when he was driving! He had a long drive back to JB!

Imagine that … FR drove 500km to see the dentist, got his transformed smile … then drove 500km back home again … all in ONE DAY.

FR you are amazing! 😉

Until we see you for Stage 2 of your bridge … keep smiling!

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8 years ago

How much per tooth veneer ??we staying in jb near city square can I have your contact number to call you about this?

9 years ago

Salam dr. Fauziah! Very interesting what I had read above. I had the same problem. Really am. I really interested to do this but i’m just worry about the cost. How much is the price range for this guy’s treatment? And can I know your loation in kl?

miss lina
miss lina
9 years ago

dr fauziah..bleh saye tau berape cost nk buat veneer? sbb saye tggl di jb… n klinik dr fauziah dimane?

10 years ago

Salam dr. Fauziah. I am also planning to get a braces also and then I have got into your page and i am interested with what you’ve done to FR. I was wondering how much is the cost? Can u give me an estimation figures as mine almos look alike FR case. Heh. I would certainly go to your place if its meet my budgetary. Thank you. Hope you reply.

12 years ago

Salam Dr. Fauziah & Team

After reading the above, am impressed. I reside in JB. Not sure if I can afford yr fee but hopefully not too extravagant.

This is for my 13 year old girl, from our earlier dentist visit, we hv been advised need to go for braces – thats the only thing we know.

I like to bring her for a consultation and see what treatment plan you would recommend.

Before the appointment, should you u need any further information do drop me a line.

Thank you very much


Zakia – 0167282005