Bibi gets her makeover

Bibi Ellyvine has an unusual name. She came in with her husband for a consultation and I sort of expected to see a Pakistani-looking lady … but no, she looked totally different!
When Bibi and I started chatting I soon picked up her Sabahan accent! Ah … now her name made sense.
Bibi works for the High Court as a personal assistant to one of our esteemed judges. A very capable lady indeed!
She wanted a makeover to correct her crowded upper teeth and the spaces in her lower teeth.

I explained that the problem was her teeth were rather large sized for her small mouth.
To add to the problem, she had missing lower lateral anteriors so it really was a little complicated to give her the ideal smile.
We talked about her treatment options … we could do bridges to replace the missing teeth and place composite veneers where the gaps were smaller, or we could just correct it as best we can with composite veneers.

I also suggested we do some re-contouring of the shape of her teeth to give her a ‘softer’ look.
Bibi said she’d consult her husband and call in again for her appointment … so I made a note as to what she preferred and said goodbye.
Today, Bibi came in again with her husband for moral support.
I started with a scaling … I explained I had to, as it didn’t make sense to create her beautiful smile without first getting her gums and teeth into tip top condition!

Once everything was sparkling clean, I said, “And now for some magic!” Bibi smiled.
Idayu and I worked as quickly as we could … the clinic was bustling as it was the school holidays.
Finally, we finished … Idayu passed her the mirror as I said, “There! I hope you like it!”
Bibi said, “Yes! It’s really different!” and smiled a beautiful smile.
We bluetoothed all the photos to her handphone before we printed her makeover albums … yes, all patients go home with instant ‘before’ and ‘after ‘ photos!

I reminded her to come in after 2 weeks as I’d like to ‘tweak’ her smile just a bit more … and told her to eat as normal … she didn’t have to be extra careful .. just don’t eat stones, bones, metal and wood!!
Don’t forget Bibi … you need to eat as normal and come in anytime if you need some touch ups … the makeover has a 100% guarantee for 30 days … that’s about 120 regular meal times!!
I love making people beautiful!
I love creating beautiful smiles every day!