Nur’ Aainaa’s makeover

Nor’ Aainaa was referred to us by her cousin some months ago. She’s busy young lady in a government think tank so she just didn’t have the time to come in for her makeover!
Finally, today she managed to squeeze in the time to make it to the clinic with her mother.
Her mum went first, whilst I did the routine dental treatment of clean-up and polish and some fillings, I managed to have an extremely interesting conversation with Nor’Aainaa about her work and herself.

Finally it was her turn … Nor’Aainaa was nervous.
She needed to sort out her smile … a dentist had corrected the gap between her teeth but the end result wasn’t very flattering.
“I need to do the teeth on either side of the front two as well.” I explained to Nor’Aainaa.
“The teeth on the sides need to be balanced so everything looks natural.” I said.
Nor’ Aainaa agreed.

“I’ll reshape everything so it won’t look too square too …. a young lady needs curves!” I laughed.
“I’ve consulted other dentists but they all say I can’t close the gap as the gums will get infected” she said.
“Nope! I’ll make sure the margins are good. Don’t worry” was my reply.
And so we started the makeover.
I teased her as I worked, “You for got to ask me the usual questions! You forgot to ask if it will be painful and if I will give you injections!”

“Farhana said I needn’t worry … she said it will be easy and just trust you.”
Wow! I had better not let Farhana, Nor’Aainaa’s cousin down then! 😉
It took just about 45 minutes … really! And without any pain or injections.
Nor’ Aainaa loved it!
I told her, “You can eat immediately … just don’t eat stones, bones or metal OK. Anyway, if anything does happen … and I know it won’t … you have a whole month guarantee … you can come back for touch-ups for no charge. 30 days is about 100 times of eating all sorts of food, so just eat normally and enjoy your new smile!”

Nor’Aainaa hugged me as we said goodbye …
“The only thing you have to watch out for is looking in the mirror! For the next few days that’s what you are going to keep doing! So watch out when you drive home OK … keep your eyes on the road!”
I always remind people of this … yes, it happens … this is the only drawback when you get a makeover! LOL 😉
I love my job!
I get to make people smile happily every single day!
may i know how much is the cost?