Fawzy’s Story

I first met Fawzy about 14 years ago! Yes, he was just a young boy of 6, an only child of doting parents, who’d bring him to us for his regular dental treatment.
When Fawzy was 8, he went along with his parents to a waterpark for their Family Day. Fawzy loved the huge water slides and slid down them along with all the other kids splashing away!
Then the accident happened!
Fawzy came down the slide and landed in the water … the water started to turn red as he came up … he had knocked out one of his front teeth!

Fawzy wasn’t in too much pain … he was cold and shocked seeing the blood coming out of his mouth! His parents were besides themselves in worry.
They looked for his tooth in the water, packed up and rushed him to the clinic.
I explained to them that I could re-implant the tooth.
I needed to fill the root and replace the root-filled tooth in Fawzy’s mouth then stabilize it for a few months. The tooth had a good chance to reattach and remain in Fawzy’s mouth but the root would eventually, after several years, dissolve and Fawzy will still need to have it replaced.
The whole idea is to allow Fawzy’s facial bones to grow normally with the tooth root still in the bone and also to maintain the space. He was much too young to wear a denture!
Fawzy was only 8!!

It was a HUGE success … Fawzy did eventually lose the tooth … but only now when he’s 20!
Yesterday I completed his bridge. I am so happy and proud of Fawzy.
He is now a student with the The Academy of Fine Arts, ASWARA . ASWARA is an institute of higher learning in Malaysia that provides formal training courses in the arts, culture and heritage that aims to produce creative performers, nurture artistic talent and develop leaders in the local arts. (see http://www.aswara.edu.my)
He plays the piano, the traditional instrument caplimpong and sings.
Fawzy is one amazing young man … and now he finally has his dream smile!
I love my job … I get to help people get their dream smile … every single day!! 😉