Hani gets her dream smile

Hani and her elder brother Azrul were booked in for a makeover.
Hani had found our blog and had come in with Azrul yesterday … though Hani was nervous, it was Azrul that was even more nervous! He immediately told Lyn at the reception that he was just there to accompany Hani.
The brother and sister were obviously good friends. They were laughing and teasing each other through out the initial examination.
I told Hani that her makeover was a little complicated though it looked very straight forward at first glance … she needed me to completely veneer her upper front teeth as there was a rather large open bite.

Hani also had some fillings that had discoloured … her smile looked ‘messy’!
As Hani wanted to start with Zoom! Whitening first to brighten up her smile, I suggested Azrul leave her with us to have his lunch in the shops nearby.
Azrul stayed whilst we prepared Hani for the Zoom! Whitening procedure. As we did the first part, the “No Pink Policy” to make sure that only Hani’s teeth got bleached, Azrul kept teasing her and took many photographs …. I suggested (wicked me!) that he keep them to blackmail her later.

Hani gave us the thumbs up when I asked her if she was comfortable … she was fine!
We did 4 15-minute cycles for Hani … we routinely do the extra cycle as we actually have enough Whitening fluid for 4 cycles … that’s our secret to the extra brightness!
Once Hani had completed the Zoom! Whitening, I asked her if she wanted a break … “Nope! I’m fine. Let’s do the makeover!” Hani said.
And so I started ….

Hani’s case was a challenge … I had to created a totally new shape and size for her front teeth. They had too balance with the shape of her face and look good with her lower teeth too.
I took my time …
I joked with Hani as I worked … “Do you want a sweet smile ala Siti Norhalizah or a drop-dead-gorgeous smile ala Angelina Jolie?” I asked.
She laughed … “I think let’s go for drop-dead-gorgeous!” I said.

I re-did all her fillings again first and only then began shaping the teeth.
At last I finished! It took me about an hour!!
Azrul came back in. He glanced at Hani and laughed … “Wah Adik! Cantik nya!!” Azrul said.
“Don’t believe him, Hani! You’ve got to see it for yourself!” I said as I prepared her for the big moment when she looks at her makeover for the first time.
Hani took a deep, deep breath and looked in the mirror.

She squealed in delight! “Doctor! I don’t believe it! Oh my God!!” she said.
And then she burst into tears as she hugged me.
Azrul was shocked! Hani was crying … then he realised she was crying with joy.
Hani was laughing as she cried …. “I love it! Thank you.”
It happened again! I made a patient cry … but with happiness.

This is why I love my job so much.
I get to make people so happy and give them their dream smile.
The best part was yet to come ….
Azrul said, “OK doc. Now you’ve got me … I’ll come in soon for my makeover too.”
Yay!!! 😉
Thanks so much doc!!
i really love ur job..
thanks so much.. and definitely will come over soon!!
May Allah Bless Your Kindness..