Nur’s “Unplanned” Makeover: Dr Nik

Nur is a 20 year old mass communication student in one of the local universities in Kuala Lumpur.

Actually, she did not plan to be a patient for the day!

She had come in together with her father, to accompany her younger brother who had an appointment with us!

Since Nur was already waiting outside for her brother to finish his treatment, her father asked us whether we could have a look at Nur as well.


“Sure!” I said and in came Nur … she was a little nervous though … as she had not expected to have her teeth checked that day.

Nur is a very pretty young lady and her teeth were in great condition …. except for one small-sized and peg-shaped tooth on the left side of her upper teeth. She also had slightly overlapping lower front teeth.

“Ohh…this is easy! I can make your teeth look nicer!” I said.

And easy it was!

All that was needed was reshaping and building up the small pointed tooth to look more natural …. and three composite veneers on the lower front teeth sorted out all the overlaps so they looked nice and straight too.

As I passed her a mirror at the end of the treatment, Nur smiled and  nodded when I asked whether she liked her new smile.

True to her nature, shy Nur doesn’t talk much 🙂

And I too had a smile on my face as I watched her walking out of the clinic smiling.

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