Puan Rohani’s Raya Smile : Dr Nik

Pn Rohani is a very busy housewife who had been our patient for many years. It’s been quite sometime since we last saw her. When she came to visit us few days ago it was to replace one of her fillings that come off.
During the initial examination, I realized that the fillings on her upper front teeth had discolored and stained.
Immediately, I asked whether she would like to change the fillings and have a better beautiful smile.
“Aaa…aaa…bolehlah doctor …warna dia dah tak cantik ni.” she said.
I explained and discussed my treatment plan with her . The plan was to do three veneers and close up the gap on the upper right side. She agreed with the plan but request to do it on another day as she had some errands to do, so was short of time.

Today, Pn Rohani came for her makeover. I was excited as I knew that the makeover would make a great difference to her smile.
We chatted for a while about her extra busy schedule during the ‘puasa’ month. Once she was ready for her makeover , I start my work and forty minutes later, I passed her a mirror and waited for her response…..
“Ehh….nampak lainnya….cantik la..” she exclaimed.
…..and I do agree with her.
It does look much nicer and neater,doesn’t it?