Rabiatul gets her makeover before flying back to Egypt: Dr Fauziah

Rabiatul is about to start her third year as a Medical student in an Egyptian University. She found our blog and wanted a new smile before she returned to continue her studies there.
She is the fourth daughter of a family of 5 girls … all of whom are successful in their studies. Wow! Her father and mother are both civil engineers and are fully supportive of her … her dad and her youngest sister even accompanied her to have the makeover done!
When Rabiatul came in to see us I was struck with her composure and grace.
I asked her about the unrest in Egypt and whether she was one of those that had to evacuated when everything turned chaotic in the country.

Rabiatul said it took a whole week to evacuate out of Egypt at the time … it was scary as there was gunfire and everything was so uncertain and tensed.
I asked her as we did her makeover, if she was afraid to return to Egypt to continue her studies and if she could, would she continue studying medicine in Malaysia instead. Rabiatul looked at me surprised and said, “No. It’s Ok there.”
Wow! What a plucky young lady she is … and what a wonderful doctor she will be too!
Rabiatul didn’t have a difficult case at all. She just needed to close a gap in her front teeth and correct the tilt between the four front teeth too.

It was an easy-peasy makeover and took less than an hour … she didn’t need injections or anything of the sort so we could happily chat whilst I did my ‘magic’.
Rabiatul’s father talked about raising his 4 girls and how they all had different career paths. It was fascinating!
We finished up very quickly … Rabiatul’s father was amazed that it was so easy and fast as one of his elder daughters had gone through 2 years of braces!
There was no way Rabiaul could afford to wait 2 years to get her dream smile.
As we said goodbye and printed the Makeover Albums, I wished Rabiatul all the best … she is one special young lady indeed.
I am so fortunate to meet so many people like her who are such amazing people in my job … and I am grateful that I can give them the confident smile they so deserve!
Rabiatul you rock! 😉