Ayuni’s makeover : Dr Fauziah

Ayuni is my son, Shanaz’ classmate from Sri Bintang Utara. I first met her some two years ago in my home when we had a surprise birthday party for Shanaz. She came to the party with Adam who is also a classmate.
Back then Ayuni was having her teeth straightened with braces … later that evening, Shanaz asked me if I could do something for Ayuni, I told him I was sure a makeover would be fairly simple to do for her and was probably what she needed (though I didn’t get to examine Ayuni … I just glanced at her smile when we said hello) … you see one of Ayuni’s problems was the shape of her teeth.
Ayuni never got to see me in the dental clinic. Soon after that day, she had her braces taken off and left for England to complete her studies.
Ayuni is back for the Raya celebrations. Both Shanaz and Adam encouraged her to come in for a makeover before she left again at the end of the month. She looked through this blog and made the appointment!!

When Ayuni came in to the clinic with Adam, the first thing she said was, “I don’t have to come back again do I? You see I am leaving for England in a few days.”
I could see she was nervous … “Nope. I’ll do most of the work today but you may need to do a bridge to close the gap for the missing canine. That procedure takes 2 visits and we have enough time before you go … I’ll re-shape your teeth as much as possible to see if we can do without it though.”
Ayuni settled back into the dental chair and I revved up my magic wand.
Whilst I worked I chatted with Adam … he’s something like a surrogate son to me. Adam is one of Shanaz’ best friends!

It actually took less than an hour to do … Ayuni needed just 5 composite veneers and 2 half veneers for her makeover … no injections, no pain!
But she did need to do a bridge after all as I couldn’t close the gap on her left side with just the veneers … the gap was too large. Sigh.
Ayuni was very happy with the results and immediately called her mum to tell her the wonderful news … at last she has her beautiful smile.
We’re going to do the last bit this Friday, the bridge … don’t worry Ayuni, it won’t hurt either … you just need to relax and anticipate your dream smile becoming a reality in just a few days more!
I have the best job in the world … I get to make people happy every single day.