Puan Linda is a mother of four who just got a new job and will report for duty soon. She got to know about our clinic when she googled to search for a dental clinic in Kuala Lumpur. Reading through our blog, she found out that we did a lot of makeovers and wondered if she could have one done for her too, before she reported for her new job.
She called us and set up her appointment. When she came in, I seated her on the dental chair and asked her what it was that she wished me to do. She told me that she has gaps in between her front teeth and if possible wanted me to close up the gaps for her.
I did an initial examination and yes, she has gaps on her front upper and lower teeth. I told her that I could help to close the gaps and that it would be quite easy to do.
” Macam mana Dr buat?” she asked. I explained how we’d do it and even did a mock up so that she would understand and see how it would turn out.
She gave me green light to do the make over once she saw the mock done, but requested to do the upper first. She said she would make another appointment for her lower teeth.
As I was about to start on her, Mubin, Dr Dini’s patient came in for his check up with Dr Dini (see Mubin’s visit to the dentist) and to my amazement Puan Linda instantly recognized him and told me that she had read Mubin’s story in this blog.
“Wow…you’re lucky that you can see him in person and see how Dr Dini treats him” I said.

While Dr Dini was patiently introducing the scaling procedure to Mubin, I started on Puan Linda’s teeth and once done I passed her a mirror and asked her to look at her new smile.
Smiling and gazing to the mirror, Pn Linda said she just couldn’t believe that she no longer have the gaps on her upper teeth. “Cantiklah Dr…macam real..nanti next visit I’ll come again for the lower” she said.
I’m glad that she loved the way her smile looks now…..well….new job,new smile…mission accomplished….or should I say half accomplished….
I can hardly wait to see her again and do the lower teeth.
Dear Dr. Fauziah,
It’s 13 hours till i meet you tomorrow at 12.30pm.
I am petrified. Am having a headache just thinking about it. It’s stressing me out now.
But i know that i will be in good hands…yours.
Please help.
Dear Dr. Fauziah,
Please give me a chance to smile again.
Please give me a reason to smile again.
But i must confess that i am terrified of the dentist.
As far as i cam remember dentist spells pain. I guess thats why its been bad,
Please help me. Please give me a makeover.