I will start my story today with Alhamdulillah (praise to god). Why? This is because, with the job I have I am not only helping to ease people’s pain…I also help them to look good or have a better/much attractive smile.
Everybody wants a dazzling white smile, but not everybody knows how to get one. Luckily for my patient, Dee, she came to our clinic.
Dee came to our clinic to fill up her broken tooth. She is actually was a walk- in patient for the day…. a patient that walked in without an appointment. Since I finished treating my patients earlier than expected, I had the time to do the treatment for her.
We discussed her problems and once I finished the initial examination, I immediately fixed her broken tooth and also did the scaling and polishing for her smile.
Once finished, she turned to me and said ,”I read your info board and saw the Zoom Whitening brochure at the waiting area. I would like to do that because I have yellow teeth.”
The topic of the info board for this month is how you can change unattractive smile to an attractive smile…(I’m glad I did that!!)
I smiled to her and replied ,”I was about to suggest that to you.”
I began explaining the treatment to her and also suggested a 3-unit bridge for her upper and lower right side.
After I finished explaining everything to her, all she said was, “Ok doctor, I”ll make the appointment now”…
No hesitation…Wow!! She knows what she wants…
So, today she came for the whitening treatment accompanied by her daughter..
Once seated, I showed her the kit and re-explained the procedure.. She understood it very well..
During the treatment, her daughter came in to check on her and she teased Dee, “Oh mum….it’s already shinning!!!”
I could see Dee smiling and I think she can’t wait for the 4th cycle to finish.
After one and half hours, I handed Dee the mirror and all she said, “Wow…Its white!!”

She looked at her daughter and the daughter said, “I told you…It’s shinning!” and both of them laughed..
I said to Dee that she looked 10 years younger and her daughter agreed..
A dazzling white smile for a brand new year (1434H).
To all our muslim patients, happy Maal Hijrah .