Miza’s New Smile: Dr Fauziah
Someone commented that our dental assistants all have lovely smiles! But of course! It makes perfect sense to make available all the treatments we do for our patients for our staff.
… and yes of course they get their treatments done as part of the perks of working in the clinics 😉
Miza just joined the Team in Menara Raja Laut in January this year. She is a shy young lady who had recently completed her diploma in Nursing when she answered our advertisement for a Dental Assistant.
When she came for the interview, I noticed she had a shy smile … she was very conscious of the gaps between her front teeth!
We didn’t have time to do her makeover earlier … there was the Team Building Away to organise and go for, I was away from the clinic for two weeks as I went for the Implant Certification Course in Dubai, then was my vacation … so it was only when I got back did we have the time to offer Miza her makeover.
“Miza, do you want to have a makeover done today?” I asked between patients. Miza nodded excitedly.
And so she sat in the dental chair and Ayu assisted me whilst the other nurses teased her … they all have had their turn on the dental chair already.
“Don’t be nervous … you know it doesn’t hurt!” said Ayu. Miza looked as if she was nervous anyway. 😉
It’s really great that the nurses get to have a makeover done … you see sometimes patients call up with questions and it is the nurses that explain how we do the makeovers and what to expect.
It didn’t take long at all before Miza’s makeover was done. She needed 6 composite veneers..
… now Miza has first-hand experience too, and she can answer any questions patients may have about the veneering.
Usually people ask the same questions:
- Is Composite Veneering painful? Do you do a lot of drilling? … not at all! It’s painless and you don’t need injections
- Does it last? … yes it does. It’s like a filling that is bonded onto your tooth. Eating normal food is fine. Just don’t eat stuff that will break your teeth anyway like stones. bones. metal and tear plastic with your teeth!
- Is there a guarantee? … sure. We guarantee our work for 30 days … that’s like 100 meals at least so go ahead and eat your normal food … if it does break we repair it for free!
- Does it take a long time to do? … nope. It takes minutes and lasts for years!
- Is it expensive to do? … not at all. A Composite Veneer is just RM300 each
Miza was so excited when she looked in the hand mirror.
She licked her teeth and said, “They feel different!”
Ayu answered, “That’s normal … it’s because the composite veneers have changed the shape. You will feel it strange for a day … don’t worry.”
Miza jumped up and went straight to the mirror to examine her new smile. We watched her turn and smile the biggest smile we have seen from her since she started working with us.
“Wha!” and she laughed.
We teased her as she hung onto the hand mirror for the rest of the day, admiring her new smile.
Miza, enjoy your smile and welcome to Klinik Pergigian Fauziah’s Menara Raja Laut Team!!