Basma and Rima visit the dentist: Dr Fauziah

Basma sent me a message on our Facebook Page Dentist Malaysia early this month. When I replied, I was still in Dubai attending the Comprehensive Licensing Certification Course (CLCC) in Implantology and so she made the appointment for today.

Basma and her sister Rima were waiting patiently for their appointment as I was running a little late. Apologising for the delay, I welcomed them in and asked who was who.

Basma went first …. she was a little nervous but the beautiful young lady and I soon got talking about how the two lovely sisters from Saudi came to be studying in University Tenaga.

Basma before

After she related her experience with her dentist in Riyadh (she had undergone orthodontic treatment) I explained why the gap in between her teeth would not lessen if she made a retainer …. there simply was no more space for the teeth to move in as her bottom teeth were now in the way!

I explained to both the sisters about tooth movements during orthodontics and how the upper teeth and the lower teeth lock in together.

“OK, I understand now and I am clear the only way to close the gap is with composite veneers.” Basma said after my lengthy explanation.

What a beautiful smile!

“Not quite so,” I said and explained the differences between Porcelain Veneers and Composite Veneers and why I tend to recommend composite veneers.

It’s cheaper and less tooth structure is removed when we do them so it’s painless … it’s also easy to maintain and repair if necessary.

“If you no longer are in Malaysia, any dentist can repair it in the unlikely event that you do manage to chip them!” I explained.

I then explained to Basma why I recommend that she does 4 veneers and not just 2 …. the results will look nicer as the two lateral incisors on the sides will not look too small and flat … the end result will be much more attractive!

Her side profile before

Basma agreed and sat back into the dental chair so I could do my magic whilst Rima and I chatted.

It didn’t take long at all … as an added bonus we chose a shade lighter so Basma’s dream smile would look brighter too!

And the discoloured spots on her teeth got evened out all at the same time.

When I passed the mirror to Basma she said, “I’m so nervous!”

…. and then she looked into the mirror …

A perfect smile for Basma

“I love it! I can hardly believe this …. I love it!” Basma said beaming.

Rina laughed and teased Basma, “Now you’re going to hang on to that mirror.”

Basma laughed as she scrutinized the veneers.

I printed the “Before” and “After” photos for the makeover album for Basma to take home and ‘bluetooth’ed the photos to her phone for good measure.

“You can eat anything you’d like except stones, metal and wood OK” I said.

Another view before

Basma joked, ” You mean to say I have to stop eating stones?” and she laughed.

They left soon after for a lunch and I got a message from Basma just now saying she noticed “a small scratch, about 1mm” on one of the veneers.

“I only ate a sandwich for lunch” she messaged me ….

Not to worry Basma, this is exactly why we have the 30 days guarantee … we’ll happily polish the veneers or do any adjustments or repairs … it happens sometimes that there might be something that needs adjustment!


It’s your dream smile and we’re only too happy to make it as perfect as we possibly can! 😉

I love my job.

I have the best job in the world.

I get to make people happy and beautiful …. every single day!

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11 years ago

Hi Dr.Fay,

I can’t tell you how much happy I’m with the makeover!
your work is exceptional! and at a reasonable price too 🙂 oh and I love the part that it’s a painless too!

I never thought that I could go to a dentist and actually love it!
I will never miss an appointment from now and on! hahaha!
Thank you so much for everything!

you were right, I can’t stop looking at the mirrors and anything that has a reflective surface.

You are the best!
