Kila’s New Smile : Dr Dini

Kila is a bubbly and happy-go-lucky young lady, yet very afraid of dentists. She even asked her brother- in- law to come in for a scaling first to tell her what was his experience. When her brother- in- law told her it was pleasant, it was only then that she had the courage to make an appointment with us. Talk about making her brother-in-law a guinea pig!!!
The first time I met her, she appeared very calm and nervous at the same time. She kept asking me if the procedure will be painful. I reassured her that it will not cause her any pain since I was only doing a scaling and polishing for her. She apologized for being so nervous and explained further that this is her first dental visit in four years. I told her there was no need to apologize and I understand her situation. Being in an unfamiliar surrounding will usually make us anxious and nervous. It is a common feeling for everybody.
After I finished with the scaling, I asked Kila if she’s happy with her teeth and she told me “Not really doctor. I’m not happy with my upper front teeth. Can you do something about it? Please don’t tell me I have to wear braces”.
“Of course! I can make it look more even and straight without you wearing braces “I said.
So, I did a mock-up of the makeover. This is for them to get a rough idea on how they will look like with the new arrangement of the teeth, and also how they will feel. I took the before and after pictures of the mock and showed her. Kila was very happy and satisfied with the mock and gave me the green light to proceed.
In one and half hours later, I managed to fulfill Kila’s wish. Since Kila had a budget to stick to, I only did four veneers on her upper front teeth. Kila looked at herself in the mirror and started laughing. “I have never seen myself with such straight teeth before. My teeth look nice now. I can’t wait to do the lower teeth as well” she added.

Kila left the clinic with her brand new smile and a new appointment date to ‘straighten’ her lower teeth as well.
Was she happy?…I know for sure she was. She smiled widely and kept saying that it was beautiful and kept thanking me.
Am I happy?…Ooo that’s for sure. When you are able to help someone in achieving their dream and make them happy, wouldn’t it make you happy too?
See you on the next visit Kila!