A pleasant surprise: Dr Nik
Ahmad and his fiancee, Ainy work in oil and gas line. Ainy who did her makeover with me a few weeks ago fixed an appointment for Ahmad. She wanted him to have nicer smile for their upcoming wedding.
Ahmad came in for his appointment accompanied by Ainy. I thanked Ainy for referring Ahmad to me and when Ahmad was comfortably seated on the dental chair, I asked him what is it that he wanted me to do.
” I don’t know Doctor, Ainy told me that she had arranged my dental appointment with you and told me that I should do a makeover to have a better smile before our wedding,” he said.

“If possible can you do veneers on him like what you did on me to get whiter teeth and also to close up the gaps?” Ainy asked.
“Yes…that can be done Ainy ” I said. Aware that Ahmad was looking at both of us with puzzled face, I spent my time explaining the treatment options with him. After all I need a ‘yes’ from Ahmad before I can work on his teeth.
Ahmad who had a beautiful healthy set of teeth, opted to do veneers to close up the gaps in between his teeth and also chose a whiter shade resin material to get whiter teeth. He asked me to do veneers on his six upper front teeth.

As usual, I started off with the two central teeth first as guidance followed by the side ones. It didn’t take me long to finish the veneers as Ahmad’s case was quite straight forward.
Once done, I passed him a mirror and Ahmad was surprised to see the result…it was a pleasant surprise for Ahmad. He was amazed and happy with the result and so was Ainy.
I called her in to have a look at her fiance’s new smile and Ainy was as happy as Ahmad with the result.
Ahmad and Ainy left the clinic with Ahmad’s before and after photo album and I reminded them to come for a scaling before their wedding.
Hope to see you guys in few months time and please remember to smile broadly….