Ezra’s Pre-Ramadhan Makeover : Dr. Dini

Ezra is a good looking young man who found out about our clinic when he saw our signage on his way to a nearby bank.
He came in without an appointment and had to wait for quite some time. I apologised to him for having to wait as we needed to give priority to our patients with appointments.
“So how can I help you Ezra? ” I asked as he sat comfortably on the dental chair. “I would like to have a dental check up since I haven’t seen a dentist for 4 years” he replied.
As the examination was done, I gave him the good news.
“Okay Ezra, you need only 4 simple cavities to be filled up and also a scaling & polishing. However if you like, I can beautify your smile by brightening your teeth shade with Zoom! Whitening and make the upper teeth look straight with composite veneers.” I explained.

He smiled at me and gave me the green light to proceed. Apparently he had already read the Zoom! Whitening brochure and flipped through our makeover album while waiting for his turn.
As, it was already nearing 6 PM, we had to set another appointment for the cosmetic treatments.
On the appointment day, Ezra was all smiles without any trace of nervousness. He explained to me he would like to have a nicer smile for this coming Aidil Fitri. He wanted to complete the treatment before Ramadhan as he can focus on the fasting ‘ibadah’ and raya preparations.
I couldn’t resist asking him where he was from because he didn’t sound like a Malay when he spoke. He told me he was born in Malaysia but raised all over the world due to his father’s work. Interestingly, he speaks Tagalog with his siblings and parents.
“No wonder you sounded a little bit different, unlike the typical Malay” . I added

I started with the Zoom! Whitening and proceeded to the composite veneers. The whole process took slightly more than 2 hours.
Ezra was really surprised with his new smile. Like most of our patients, he couldn’t stop smiling. The look of satisfaction on his face said it all!
“You are given 30 days guarantee for this treatment. You can come to fix your veneers within that time without a cost of course” I said.
I bid him farewell and reminded him to keep flashing his new dazzling smile.
As Ramadhan is less than a week time and we are going to celebrate Aidil Fitri soon, we have a Ramadhan promotion for Zoom! Whitening. To make sure your smile stays super dazzling, we are giving away a tooth mousse (worth rm 85 and only available in selected dental clinic)
So have a super dazzling smile this coming Aidil Fitri too and book your appointment now!