Missing tooth and a gap: Dr Nik
When someone says that they have missing teeth, most of us will ask them why did they pull out the tooth. This is because most of us thought that pulling out tooth is the only reason of having missing tooth. Well…I thought that too, before I did my dentistry.
There are actually other reasons for missing teeth. It could be that they had an accident that causes the tooth to come out from it’s place or the tooth is embedded inside the bone and failed to come out inside the mouth. Another rare reason is the tooth itself failed to form, meaning the milk tooth doesn’t have replacement tooth. This is exactly what happen to one of my patient, Mastura.

Mastura has a missing left central tooth. Mastura told me that her left upper permanent central incisor failed to come out after her milk tooth was pulled out. Her parent brought her for check up at one of government clinic and was told that she did not have the permanent tooth to replace the tooth. Nothing was done at that time and the left side lateral incisor started to drift towards the empty space.
Now that Mastura has grown up, she has been thinking about doing something to beautify her teeth.
Mastura has been thinking about it for quite some time but didn’t really take a step further until she saw her friend who did her makeover with me. Her friend used to have gaps in between her teeth but now she no longer have gaps. Mastura asked her friend about her teeth and was told about the makeover and our clinic. She got our clinic number from her friend and called us for an appointment.
Mastura case was quite simple. She has only one gap to be closed and all she needed was two veneers. One on her upper right central incisor and one on her upper left lateral incisor. I spend more time on the left lateral incisor as I had to build up and reshaping the tooth into a central incisor.

At the end of the makeover session, Mastura took a first look at her teeth and was so happy with the result.
“I just can’t believe that I don’t have the gap anymore…and I should have done this long ago” Mastura said.
“Well…it’s better late than neverĀ and I’m so glad that I can do this to you” I said.
Before she left the clinic I reminded Mastura that she needs to keep the veneers area clean to ensure that it last long and she needs to come back for regular scaling. Till then I hope that she enjoys the new smile and do smile widely now Mastura!.
salam dr. saya ada masalah gigi jarang. agak jongang kehadapan. boleh saya tau mcm mane saya nak berurusan dgn dr. utk settle masalah sy