Raya Smile: Dr Nik
Selamat Hari Raya to all our muslim patients!
Raya holiday is a holiday that all muslim look forward to, not only that it is a time for families to gather and catch up with each other but it is also a rest time for some after working for the whole year.
For Puan Hayati who is in F&B line, raya holiday is the only time that her restaurant close and during this holiday she take the opportunity to visit us before heading back home town for hari raya.
Puan Hayati knew our clinic from her younger brother who had done his makeover with us before. Impressed with her brother’s new smile, she has had this makeover idea for herself for quite some time.

Few days before last raya holiday, Puan Hayati came in for her makeover. Her request was simple, she wanted to close up all the gaps in between her teeth. “Doctor, I want to have teeth like my brother. His was like mine with the gaps before he came in and did the makeover. Now he has beautiful teeth”
“No problem Puan Hayati, easy peasy….but you need to do it in two session since I don’t have enough time to do all today. I’ll do the upper today and we’ll set another appointment for the lower, okay?” I said. Puan Hayati nodded and I started off with scaling before doing the upper makeover.
It took me one and a half hour to do the upper makeover and Puan Hayati went home with another appointment date to complete her makeover.

On her final visit that was three days before hari raya, I spend slightly over an hour to complete the lower makeover. Puan Hayati was so happy and delighted with her makeover. “Wow…this is nice doctor…now I can smile widely, thank you doctor” Puan Hayati said smiling happily.
“It is my pleasure Puan Hayati, I hope you’ll have pleasant and wonderful raya and don’t forget to smile,smile and smile. Selamat hari raya!!” I said as I bid her farewell.
-Dr Nik Roslin (nik@story.drfauziah.com)