A Beautiful Smile For A Beautiful Songstress : Dr Dini
Sachie Amira…. what a unique name isn’t it? And not only the name is unique, she is just lovely and pretty as her name is. She is a very cheerful young lady, always smile and has never forgotten her Malay custom, shaking hands with the elderly as a form of greeting them.
When she comfortably sat on the dental chair, the first question I asked her was, does she has any Korean blood because she looks like a Korean girl. She laughed and replied,” No doctor. I am a mix of Japanese on my father’s side and Arab on my mother’s side.”
“Oooo I see, so that explained the unique name and the beautiful girl in front of me.” I said to her. She laughed heartily when she heard that.
“So, what can I do for you Sachie ? I mean I don’t see anything wrong with your teeth. Everything is well aligned.” I told her.

“I don’t like my bunny teeth.” She pointed at her two central incisors. “I did braces few years back but the doctor said she couldn’t do anything about this.” She added.
“Tasha told me what you did for her and I’m so envy with her smile. Could you do the same thing for me ?” she asked.
Tasha was a patient of mine whom I did makeover few years back. “Ooo, you must be friend to Irma as well.” I said to her. She giggled and nodded.
“Are you a singer too?” I asked. “Yup.” She answered briefly. She then told me that currently she is applying for a scholarship to enable her pursuing her studies in Berkeley College. She is also joining gigs to help with the financial.
I explained to her that her two central incisors look big because her lateral incisors were small in size. Braces couldn’t change that, the only way to make the central incisors look smaller, is by doing veneers on the lateral incisor. I did a mock up for her and she loved it.
I proceed with the veneers. All she needed was two veneers and in thirty minutes Sachie got her dream smile.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you doctor.” She said excitedly. She straight away took out her phone from her bag and snap a few selfies. “I’m loving my new smile !!!”
This sort of happiness from a patient make me love my job more.
After we bad good byes, I searched her in the YouTube channel and found quite a number of her music videos. The one that I really like is titled Find You. She has a beautiful and soulful voice. A huge talent!
This made me realized that Malaysia is actually a pool of talented youths and undoubtedly make us proud in the eyes of the world. I wish her all the best and do check out her latest music video titled What You Want. Yes… these three good friends- Tasha, Irma and Sachie in the same music video were my patients.
If you have any enquiry do contact me at dini@story.drfauziah.com.
Hi, how much the cost to do veener? Any good price, tq