Smile. It looks good on you!!! : Dr. Dini
Jackie came to our clinic after googling us on the internet. He is a shy guy and there wasn’t much smiles on his face when he first visited us at the clinic. He came requesting for a dental check up since his last visit to a dentist was ages ago. He also wanted to improve his smile.

Jackie had always wanted to have a better smile, but he always postpone his dental visit.
“Doctor, I’m sorry. My teeth are really bad. It’s been a while since my last visit to a dentist.” He apologized to me as he sat on the dental chair.
“It’s alright. I look at teeth everyday. So, how can I help you?” I asked.
“I am concern with my front teeth. I do not have the confidence to smile. People around me think that I am a snob because I rarely smile.” He said with a sad face.
Jackie had a bad carious tooth on his left lateral incisors. The existing fillings on his front teeth also were discolored and need to be replaced. He also had multiple carious teeth on his upper and lower arch.
After the initial examination, I laid out the treatment plan for Jackie. Since he has not visit a dentist in a long time , there was a heavy build up of calculus or tartar in his oral cavity.
I suggested that, we break his dental treatment in three visits:
1. First, we do the most important treatment, which is the scaling and polishing. This is to ensure that Jackie’s gum is in optimum health. Followed with fillings on his right side, upper and lower teeth.
2. On his second visit, we completed all the necessary filling that need to be done on his left teeth.
3. Once the oral hygiene improved, we proceed with the makeover for his front teeth.
It didn’t take long for Jackie to decide, he immediately agreed with my treatment plan.
On the third visit, which is about ten days when he first came to clinic, I started with taking photo of the before treatment smile. . This is because I barely remember the appearance of the person’s teeth before the makeover. Jackie needed six composite veneers to achieve his dream smile. About one and half hour later, I passed him a mirror and he was all smile. I took the after makeover picture and showed him. Both of us, compared the before and after photo.

No longer the shy Jackie. This man who is in front of me, smiling widely, is a new Jackie. I could sense his confidence boost up as well.
As we bad good-bye, I couldn’t stop smiling and feeling grateful that a simple and painless procedure brought happiness to a person.
It’s true as they said, a smile is a crooked line that can make everything straight!
So… if you have a similar case like this or you know someone who wanted to improve their smile, do contact our nearest branch to book your appointment with us;
Klinik Pergigian Fauziah Taman Melawati 0341071591,
Klinik Pergigian Fauziah Menara Raja Laut 0326911334,
Klinik Pergigian Fauziah Publika 0362063068
or email me at:
I just want smile again..plz help me smile