Overcome the fear: Dr Nik
Fear of coming to see a dentist has stopped my patient , Aileen from getting help when she broke her two front teeth. It all happened many years back when she was in primary school. She fell face down , broke two of her front teeth and had been living with it ever since.
Finally I saw Aileen and discussed her case further after initial examination. Aileen chose to veneer both her central front teeth. Like I said earlier it was a straight forward case and it didn’t take me long to finish her treatment. Aileen was so happy when she looked at her new smile for the first time. “I was actually still scared just now..well less than before but it was worth it doctor” she said.
As we bid farewell, I reminded her that she needs to come back for other treatment. ” Oh..I will doctor, I think now it won’t be that difficult to get myself here” Aileen said as she laughed happily. It was a happy feeling to see how happy your patients are after their treatment and to know that you’ve changed their perception to dentistry is a bonus.
Do email me for any inquiry at nik@story.drfauziah.com