Gap Gone In 1 Hour! : Dr Sheril Aida

Working as a frontliner is not an easy job. It requires confidence as you need to meet many people everyday. As a frontliner, a persons’ image is very important and that was the reason why Yati came and see me.

Like most of our patients, Yati found us through our blog. Luckily for her she came across our website while surfing the net and was delighted to see the cases that we’ve done before. In no time, she called us up for an appointment.

As you can see, Yati had a big gap in her upper and lower center teeth. She thought that braces was the only way to correct her gap.

Upon examination, I noticed Yati has a nice set of teeth except that the only thing that is bothering her is the gap in between her front teeth. So, I suggested her to do composite veneer, the simplest and conservative way of closing gaps.

“It is like those that I saw in the blog right? How is it being done exactly?”, she asked.

“Well Yati, it is just a simple composite fillings that can be shaped, sculptured and in your case, to close up the gap and most importantly, it is PAINLESS…”, I said.

Thrilled and excited, Yati set another appointment for her makeover session.

On her appointment day… “Okay, let’s start doctor”, she said eagerly.


After about an hour working on her makeover, I handed her the mirror.

“Wow! This is really nice” she exclaimed. “I can now smile confidently in front of people. Thank you so much doctor”, she added.

“You are most welcome Yati”, I replied.

It is my job to create beautiful smile for my patients and Yati is one of them.

As I bid her farewell, I could see Yati’s face was full with excitement of having a brand new smile and THAT simply made my day!

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7 years ago

Hi doctors. After scrolling through this blog I’m so interested of having treatment (I have minor crooked teeth and i want to make it straight) at your clinic. May i know what is the cost of this treatment?