If you were not the chosen one: Dr Nik
If you were given a choice to choose, what colour/hue of your teeth would you like to have?
a) Yellowish
b) whitish
c) greyish
d) brownish
If this is a question in any dental survey. I’m pretty sure that all of us answered b) whitish. Well..who would want to settle for second best? White teeth has always been perceived as healthy and beautiful teeth.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to choose and only few are lucky enough to be chosen and born with white teeth. Those who wasn’t, don’t be in despair. You can still get your dream white teeth.
Have you heard about professional teeth whitening? This is not the teeth whitening product that you can buy over the counter. This is the one that is done in the dental clinic by your dentist.
This is the simplest and conservative way of getting whiter teeth. A special teeth whitening gel are applied to your teeth and the gel are activated by a special light. The procedure will take over an hour.
However, in a few isolated cases, the teeth might not be suitable to be treated by whitening treatment. The most common reason is patients have sensitive teeth. In these kind of cases, we normally advise patients to do veneer treatment instead.
A veneer is a layer of material placed over the surface of the tooth. The material can be either porcelain or composite. The shade or colour of the veneer can be chose prior to fabricating the veneer, this is the plus point of veneer compared to whitening. In whitening procedure, we can’t control the result after the whitening because it depends on how the teeth react to the whitening gel individually. In veneer, you can control and choose the degree of whiteness that you want.
Now that you know you can have that ‘impossible white’ teeth, pick up the phone and call us now to book an appointment and get it whiten.
If you have any inquiries do email me at nik@story.drfauziah.com