Closing the gaps: Dr Nik
My recent cosmetic case is yet another patient who has gaps in between her teeth.
Like most of our cosmetic dentistry patients, she knew our clinic from the internet. She search for a dental clinic and stumbled upon our clinic. Since we’ve done a lot of cosmetic fillings to close dental gaps and wrote about the cases in our blog, she gained confidence to come in and get hers done with us.
Dayah called for an appointment and came all the way from Semenyih to our clinic in Taman Melawati with her sister who also did some cosmetic dental treatment with my colleague Dr Dini.

Despite the obvious gaps in between her teeth, Dayah has a set of healthy well align teeth. In Dayah’s case there’s two options or ways to close up the gaps. We can either do fillings to close up the gaps or do dental veneers. Since Dayah’s teeth alignment is good, I opted to do cosmetic fillings to close up the gaps instead of veneers. This is so that I can preserve good enamel structure.

It was an easy peasy work as I, or should I say, we the dentists here do this treatment on a regular basis. It took me more than 2 hours to complete the treatment and Dayah was happy and pleased with what she saw at the end of the treatment. She no longer see the gaps that bothered her so much before and what she see now is the new her with her dream smile.
Keep smiling Dayah and see you on your next appointment.
Dr, I also have the same problem as Dayah but I dont want to wear braces. If I need a same treatment as Dayah to close my gaps, can I know the eatimated cost for this treatment?
Salam dr. I would like to know the cost for fibre reinforce bridge and is it better than wing type bridge. Can it be done in 1 visit only? Thanks