Fiber reinforced resin bridge: Dr Nik
If you are young or whose job is dealing with another person daily, the idea of not having a tooth even for a day is really a nightmare.
There are a number of treatment options ranging from denture, bridges to implant available for the replacement of a missing tooth.
Denture is removable where patient can remove it out for cleaning. Bridge and implant on the other hand are fixed appliance. Choice of treatment are mainly being choose by patients but through my experience, younger patients and patients whose works require them to meet people on a daily basis, their choice are mostly bridge or implant.
However in certain cases, patient might need to wait for some period of time before the actual bridge or implant can be done or patient needs to defer the treatment due to financial constraint at that time. To temporarily replace the missing tooth for these people, there’s a fixed temporary replacement called Fiber reinforced resin bridge. Clinical studies had shown that it can last for few years.
Fiber reinforced resin bridge is a one visit dental treatment, that means patient that came in without a tooth will go back with a tooth!
The treatment will require the skill of the dentist to shape and sculpt a tooth using dental composite resin material that is strengthen with a fiber glass than runs across the missing area to the adjacent teeth. The sculpted resin tooth will then polish to perfection.
So, if you are thinking of getting yourself a bridge or an implant to replace a missing tooth but has to defer it due to any reasons, do get yourself a fiber reinforced resin bridge. I promise you that it will be more comfortable compared to denture.
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how much per tooth?