D.E.N.T.I.S.T by Dr `Atil Athirah
The word DENTIST is actually a combination of the word Doctor, ENgineer and arTIST.
Our job requires the medical knowledge of a Doctor, the structural knowledge of an Engineer and the hand plus art skills of an Artist.
And the greatest feeling ever as a dentist is when your patient walks out of the treatment room feeling satisfied with our artistic work. We know then we not only rebuild the aesthetic of his/her teeth but also re-boost one’s self confidence to smile broadly & proudly!!
Here’s a story of where I implied all 3 fields of knowledge and skills onto a patient of mine…Maria.
Maria came to know of our clinics through our Instagram page and directly made an appointment.

During her appointment, she walked into our surgery room with a face full of hopes. Hoping that she will walk out in an hour flaunting her DREAM smile. That moment I knew instantly that I had to do a good job to satisfy her.
What Maria had was a rather “small” upper front tooth and she had the opposite pair missing. She explained to me how the “small” tooth disturbed her quality of life.

I suggested to Maria all she needed was a Composite Veneer to reshape the “small” tooth. As Maria agreed, I did my “MAGIC” and WALLA!!!
As I passed Maria the face mirror, her facial expression was sufficient enough to know that I had used the SKILLS that only a D.E.N.T.I.S.T can do for the right reasons. And that was….restoring her self-esteem.
Maria left the clinic with her head held high all ready to flaunt her new smile.
So when will you?? 🙂
Leave a line at atil@story.drfauziah.com so we, the D.E.N.T.I.S.T can do our MAGIC on you too!!